Sunday, July 6, 2014

Joseph Eckert, married to Katherina Sokol, is the furthest 'back' I have been able to find in the Eckert Tree - hopefully I will break through that 'wall' and be able to explore further.

Joseph was my Great Great Grandfather, he was born in Nemanice, West Bohemia, Czech Republic.  He and his wife Katherina had 8 children all born in Nemanice.  

His first born, Margareta was born on this date in 1854 (she would be my Great Great Aunt).  Margareta and her husband Johann - interestingly enough, also an Eckert had  8 children as well. Although a few of her children emigrated to the USA - Margareta lived out her life in Nemanice - she died in 1928.

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